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Template Method Design Pattern in Java
This tutorial explains the Gang of Four Design Pattern named Template Method Pattern. It first defines the pattern, then via pattern's UML Class Diagram shows the various constituent classes in the pattern and explains the role of each of the classes. Next an example use case using Template Method Pattern is presented via its Class Diagram and Java code. Finally, the use case's class diagram and working of the Java code is explained in detail. Introduction Template Method Design Pattern is a behavioral design pattern among the Gang Of Four(GOF)Article on GOF Patterns & their types Design Patterns. I.e. the template method pattern deals with how the classes interact with each other. What is Template Method Design Pattern Template Method design pattern is used when the skeleton of an algorithm can be defined in terms of a series of operations, with few of these operations being redefined by sub-classes without changing the algorithm.

Lets say we have few steps to achieve something - say cooking an item. Few of the steps are common such as putting the gas stove on before cooking, putting the stove off after cooking etc. But some steps will be specific to that food item- for example some food will be boiled first then cooked, while some food will be roasted etc.

If we make a template(or, base class in programming terms) of an algorithm for cooking food, then we can implement the common methods defined earlier in the base class itself. At the same time we will leave the steps which are specific to the food item as abstract. These abstract methods will be implemented based on the recipe specific to the food item.
Now lets examine the basic structure of a template method pattern through its class diagram -
Template Method Design Pattern Class Diagram
Template Method Pattern Class Diagram
Explanation of Class Diagram
  • This AbtractBaseClass class sews the whole algorithm together.
  • The templateMethod() is a concrete method which is responsible for calling all the 4 steps of the algorithm in correct order which is concreteStep1(), abstractStep1(), abstractStep2() and concreteStep2().
  • Two of the steps in the algorithm are concrete named concreteStep1() and concreteStep2(). These concreteMethods have their implementation in the base class which is shared by all the ConcreteImplementation classes when they subclass the AbstractBaseClass.
  • Two steps in the algorithm are abstract named abstractStep1() and abstractStep2(). These abstract methods will be implemented by the specific ConcreteImplementation based on the needs of the concrete variant.
  • Note - You can have any number of concrete & abstract methods. I have taken 2 of each just for example.
Example Use Case Implementation of Template Method Pattern in Java
Template Method Design Pattern in Java
Code for the classes drawn in Java Class Diagram
public abstract class AbstractRecipe{
  public void cookFood(){
  public void putStoveOn(){
    //code for putting stove on
  public void putStoveOff(){
    //code for putting stove off
  public abstract void  cutSpecificVegetable();
  public abstract void  cookSpecificVegetable();
public class ConcreteRecipe1 extends AbstractRecipe{
  public void cutSpecificVegetable(){
    //specific implementation for cutting as per recipe 1
  public void cookSpecificVegetable(){
    //specific implementation for cooking as per recipe 1
public class ConcreteRecipe2 extends AbstractRecipe{
  public void cutSpecificVegetable(){
    //specific implementation for cutting as per recipe 2
  public void cookSpecificVegetable(){
    //specific implementation for cooking as per recipe 2
Explanation of Code & Class Diagram The Java Class Diagram is for a use case of an algorithm of cooking recipes for vegetables. Let us understand the Java code -
  • AbstractRecipe is the abstract base class in above use case.
  • 2 concrete methods in the AbstractRecipe are putStoveOn() & putStoveOff(). These contain implementation for putting the gas stove on and off. This implementation is independent of which vegetable is being cooked and hence is implemented in the base class and is inherited as-is by the child classes.
  • The templateMethod() is cookFood() which calls all the 4 methods putStoveOn(), cutSpecificVegetable(), cookSpecificVegetable() and putStoveOff() in order.
  • There are 2 concrete implementation classes called ConcreteRecipe1 and ConcreteRecipe2
  • The concrete implementation classes implement their own versions of cutSpecificVegetable() & cookSpecificVegetable() based on the specific recipe needs.
Summary This concludes the article on template method design pattern where we looked at what is the pattern, pattern class diagram and its explanation and finally an example of the pattern in java with class diagram and sample code.